How To Choose The Best Materials For Learning Something New: A Guide


When you start learning something, you have a big problem. Not only you know nothing about the topic, but you don´t even know anything about the sources for learning. 

How to choose the best sources for learning?

When it comes to learning something new, one of the most important decisions you need to make is what material to use. There are many different materials out there, and it can be difficult to decide which is the best for you.

1: Books

2: Videos

3: Articles

4: Audio Files

5: Online Courses

6: Social Media

7: Personal Tutors

The best material for learning something new depends on your learning style and preferences. There are many different materials out there, so you should experiment until you find the one that works best for you.

Anyway I would say that books are better for something that is purely mental, as are articles or audio files. If it is something having to do with computers or the internet you can use videos or online courses. If you want to learn a sport or something that depends heavily on the use of your body you should search a personal tutor, not one only but in real life. 

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

How to find the best in each category

The best way is to ask a friend that knows a lot about the subject that you are trying to learn. If you don’t know anyone that can help you, you can search on the internet for reviews of different learning materials or even better for a list of the best resources to learn about a topic. 

Ok so let´s say that you want to choose books, which are the most traditional way to learn something. 

How to choose the best books on a topic?

There is no foolproof answer, but here are five general tips to help you choose the best books on a topic:

1. Look for books that are well-reviewed.

2. Look for books that are written by experts in the field.

3. Look for books that are up-to-date.

4. Look for books that are comprehensive.

5. Look for books that are easy to  understand

How to decide if a book is worth reading?

There are a few things to consider when deciding if a book is worth reading. One, is the book interesting? Two, is the book well written? And three, is the book relevant to your interests? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then the book is most likely worth reading. However, if the answer to any of these questions is no, then the book may not be worth your time.


Choosing the best path for learning is not easy at all, but doing it right will pay off. You will save a lot of time and pain in the long run. So take your time. 



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